Official Standard of the Human Female

Official Standard of the Human Female
By Katie Sill

General Appearance

The first impression of a human female (more commonly known as and hereafter referred to as “woman”, “she”, or “her”) is that of an elegant, confident, and genuine specimen who is beautiful, both inside and out. She looks substantial and not spindly, giving the impression, both at rest and in motion, of toned fitness and nimbleness without any look of clumsiness or soft living. Furthermore, a woman should possess a silhouette of smooth curves rather than sharp angles. The ideal woman is stamped with a look of quality and nobility –difficult to define, but unmistakable when present. Her sex characteristics are strongly marked so as to give a definite impression of unquestionable femininity.


The ideal woman is a working woman with an incorruptible character combined with body and gait suitable for the arduous work that constitutes her primary purpose. The breed has a distinct personality marked by a distinct fearless, but not hostile, expression; a self-confidence and a certain aloofness that invites mystique and intrigue. She must be approachable: quietly standing her ground and showing confidence and willingness to meet overtures without, herself, making them. A well trained woman is poised, but when the occasion demands, eager and alert; both fit and willing to serve in her capacity as companion or guardian, whichever the circumstances demand.

She should have a relaxed sense of confidence and ease about herself. A high scoring woman has the courage to graciously stand up for something she believes in; however, over-confidence is viewed as a serious fault and should be discouraged. A woman does not think she is better or more important than anyone (particularly human males). That being said, she must not be timid – shrinking behind her master or handler when in public. She should not show obvious signs of nervousness such as looking about with anxious expressions to strange sounds or sights. Any of the above deficiencies in character which indicate arrogance or shyness must be penalized as very serious faults and any woman exhibiting pronounced indications of these must be excused from the competition.


A woman of pedigree should walk in a manner that is characterized by grace and freedom. The gait is outreaching, elastic, seemingly effortless, smooth and rhythmic, covering the maximum amount of ground with the minimum number of steps. It should not be hasty or hurried. Legato, not staccato. Not aimless but deliberate. The feet travel close to the ground on both forward reach and backward push. In order to achieve ideal movement of this kind, there must be good muscular development and ligamentation. The hindquarters deliver a powerful forward thrust which slightly lifts her whole body and propels her forward.

To compensate for the forward motion imparted by the hindquarters, the shoulders should open to its full extent. The upper torso should remain as strong and should not sway back and forth. The arms should swing in an elegant harmony with her pace. The head, while relaxed, should not distract others by bobbing. Instead, the head should be slightly lifted with the chin parallel to the ground. Faults of gait, such as waddling or strutting, are to be considered very serious faults.


According to most modeling agencies as well as health, fitness and fashion experts, the ideal body measurements for a woman are:

Bust Line: 34 inches or 86 centimeters
Waistline: 24 inches or 60 centimeters
Hips: 34 inches or 86 centimeters
Waist-to-Hip Ratio: 0.7
Height: 5 feet 7 inches or 1.70 meters. (at least)

*Any woman who does not meet these standards will be automatically disqualified.

Physical Characteristics

Skin – It is typical for this breed to vary in color, and most colors are permissible. A woman’s skin should be soft and smooth to the touch. Rough or dry skin is considered a serious fault. Any signs of discoloration, scars, or spots call for immediate disqualification.

Hair (head) –Dyed hair, while acceptable, should be properly maintained. Strong rich colors are preferred. Pale, washed out colors, or any color not biologically feasible are serious faults. Hair length and style may vary. Any woman with white hair, no hair, or hair longer than her waist must be disqualified.

Any hair (with the exception of the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes) should be removed before competition. Visible body hair – particularly in the under arms, bikini line, or legs – is a disqualifying fault.

Face – The expression is keen, intelligent and composed.

Eyes – medium size, almond shaped, set a little obliquely and not protruding. Eyelashes, long. Iris colors may vary; any use of color altering contacts is grounds for disqualification. Eyebrows should be level and symmetric. Seen from the front the forehead they should be only moderately arched. Drawn or tattooed eyebrows are a serious fault.
Nose – proportionally small. A woman with a obtrusive nose must be disqualified.
Mouth –The lips are firmly fitted. Jaws are strongly developed. The teeth – 32 in number – are strongly developed and meet in a scissors bite in which part of the inner surface of the upper incisors meet and engage part of the outer surface of the lower incisors. An overshot jaw or a level bite is undesirable. An undershot jaw is a disqualifying fault. Having any missing teeth (other than the first premolars) is considered a serious fault.

Neck – The neck is strong, clean-cut, and relatively long, proportionate in size to the head and without loose folds of skin.

Chest – Breasts are an indication of the woman’s fertility and hold great influence in the woman’s overall score. It must be possible for the judge to observe the breasts to ensure that they are ample and well formed. Size, though important, is not the only factor the judge will consider when evaluating the breasts. Each breast must be firm enough to hold its shape yet satisfying to squeeze. The woman must allow the judge to fondle her breasts to ensure no false breasts have been entered in the competition. Any woman possessing silicone implants or if a woman attempts to bite the judge, she must be disqualified.

Abdomen – The abdomen should be firmly held and not paunchy. While it is preferable for a woman to have a strong core, it is undesirable for a woman to have defined abdominal muscles. Any evidence of bloating can be considered a serious fault. If a woman’s figure possesses any ‘love handles’ or ‘muffin tops,’ the woman in question must be immediately disqualified. (see measurements listed above)

Hips and Ass – Along with breasts, the size of a woman’s hips indicate her fertility. The wider the hips, the easier it is for her to fulfill her primary purpose: giving birth. (see measurements listed above) A woman’s ass should be toned and firm. Satisfying to spank and squeeze. It is preferable for the woman to make a small sound of pleasure when spanked but it is not required.

Notes: 1) Age restrictions vary; it is advised to consult the local charter prior to competition. 2) Spayed women are not eligible to compete because the purpose of a show is to evaluate breeding stock.


Interested in submitting? Check out our Submissions page for more info.


Katie Sill

Avoid artificial perfumes and fragrances; instead, use all natural products to achieve the desired results.

A reader should be able to ease his way into the book with a hiss and a sigh, prepared to stay for a while. The narrative should rise and caress his feet, his shins and thighs. As he turns the pages and slides in deeper, it climbs up and over his hips, running open palms across the planes of his stomach, and around to his back and shoulders. It’s a full body embrace where the warmth penetrates and erodes the sedimentary layers of fatigue.

Relax sore aching muscles with eucalyptus leaves, ginger root, marjoram herb, mustard seed powder, rosemary leaves, and/or sage leaves.

A tedious narrative dilutes the story and makes the reader sleepy. Rhythmic kneading with no variety in pressure or tension it will cause him to abandon it prematurely to seek out other comforts. A good story, on the other hand, keeps the reader engaged. They spend hours gazing into each other’s eyes, listening to the sound of their breaths – from every sharp inhale to every crisp fold. The print rises like goose bumps at the slight, teasing, scratch of a nail or under feather-light finger pads.

Moisturize with calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, elder flowers, jasmine flowers, rose buds, and/or violet leaves.

If the narrative gets too hot, he will leap out and away from the text – a sudden gasping breath after having been submerged for so long. Dizzy and disoriented, it will be hard to persuade him, that, once he gets back in, his body will adjust to the initial shock and acclimate to the plot. He will resist just as much as if the story had run cold. Even if the reader is particularly stubborn, grits his teeth and endures the heat, he will not emerge from the experience unscathed. At best, he will walk away only to return later. At worst, his scalded mind will take weeks or even months to heal. Some readers never fully recover.

Calm irritated skin with baking soda or oatmeal powder. Essential oils to use include cedar wood, lavender, peppermint, and/or sandalwood.

Ever the faithful servant, the writer must tend to the story to ensure that the pacing excites as well as soothes – only allowing the narrative to cool at the resolution. By then, the reader will close the book and leave spiritually and intellectually refreshed.

When done bathing, visualize your tension being pulled down the drain along with the bathwater.



Interested in submitting? Check out our Submissions page for more info.